Keep this blog as the queue-style log of the todos. As I hope I can get some time for myself from the beginning of March 2019, so I list the things here and keep track of them.
Queue Table todos Set Time Accomplished Time Priority Done Lego GTR 911 02/14/2019 NA 0 0 test module for python learning, nose and pytest module 02/14/2019 02/17/2019 5 1 coolstuff repo code clean 2/15/2019 NA 2 0 C++ review 2/21/2019 NA 4 0 DRL UCB course review 02/17/2019 NA 3 0 GTA5 3/10/2019 3/16/2019 -5 1 TEMPLATE 3/10/2019 3/16/2019 0 0 Let’s Rock THEM!